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Blockchain Transaction Record

The Remedy Makes Mental Health Support More Accessible With Telemental Health Services

The Telemental Health services are designed to make mental health care more accessible, and we believe it is now more important than ever to reach our patients in the comfort of their homes.

Exclusively at — Newsworthy registers every press release distributed through this service on the blockchain so that we can provide verification services and make features such as the self-hosting of press releases available to our customers. The blockchain provides an immutable record of the press releases issued by this service. Immutability gives readers the assurance that the news they are reading has not been altered from the source document that this service distributed. We have shifted the Source of Truth to the blockchain for added protection.

Moving the Source of Truth to the blockchain improves transparency and increases trust between organizations submitting news and readers.

Key Takeaways (TLDR)

  • The Remedy offers affordable Telemental Health services to make mental health care more accessible.
  • HIPAA compliant video conferencing allows for secure telehealth sessions.
  • The Remedy believes in providing compassionate and effective treatment for all patients.
Transaction ID0xf3cfc0aae343ca5db8f68bd5cbd5bc766a2bcb5b3401dbbf70a33176d329a884
Contract Address0xA7086CbdD2FEfc3382B0F37fE3Ee16ddE05934D2
NWAI Digital Fingerprint541-ed740a39149e294f79e0b05acb91ff83
Registration Timestamp2023-05-21T00:10:10+00:00

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