No complicated pricing tiers.

We are a "Batteries Included" service.

You need access to all of our tools, so we don't break them out into different tiers or make you purchase extras. News marketing involves more than simple newswire distribution. Everyone gets the same service for one fair price.

No credit card required. Register now to use our Free AI tools.

Register Free

Just $129

$129 per press release. All batteries included.

"Batteries Included"

What is Included?

Supporting News Marketing Content

Media pitch, article, social posts, video news short (based on your news release).

News Distribution

Reach 400+ websites, influencers, bloggers, and media (including Google News).

AI Press Release Writing Tools

Search-optimized press releases and recommended headlines.

Media Research & Outreach

Curate pitch lists and automatically notify media of press releases.

Direct to Decision Makers

Dispatch press announcements to industry-specific leaders.

News Advocacy

Elevate press release visibility with team members and stakeholders.

Influencer Marketplace

Collaborate with influencers to enhance news reach.

Blockchain Redirects

Host news releases, control customer journey, and increase web traffic.

Guaranteed Placement

Feature your news on industry-specific sites.

Agency Friendly

Client / Company Profiles

Create separate profiles for clients to streamline news submissions, and manage image assets. Each company has its own newsroom.

Agency Spotlight

Dedicated Newsworthy and Google News page with your releases, agency description and link to your site.

Bulk Pricing

Receive generous pricing discounts when you bulk purchase news releases. Credits never expire.