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Blockchain Transaction Record

Cornerstone Psychiatric Care Offers An Innovative Solution to Modern-Day Vitamin Deficiencies

Tablets and capsules can take hours to absorb and pass through the acidic gastrointestinal system, further impeding absorption. Vitamin infusion passes these obstacles, which permits 100% absorption.

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Key Takeaways (TLDR)

  • Vitamins are crucial for bodily functions and overall health.
  • Vitamin infusions ensure 100% absorption and bioavailability.
  • Cornerstone Psychiatric Care offers innovative IV vitamin solutions.
Transaction ID0x8940200fe946dd7d2b352ce8749667f4fe0efde4ac4fb97c5b306e39428fe9ec
Contract Address0xA7086CbdD2FEfc3382B0F37fE3Ee16ddE05934D2
NWAI Digital Fingerprint504-cc677bd4be86b066761a00424fa99ccd
Registration Timestamp2023-04-24T21:10:10+00:00

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