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Blockchain Transaction Record

BEK TV’s Dakota Cowboy Picked Up by Global Rodeo Group

Dakota Cowboy, the hit show from BEK TV, is expanding its audience reach by streaming on the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association's (PRCA) Pro Rodeo YouTube channel. Fans can now enjoy action-packed episodes exploring the world of North Dakota rodeo, featuring exclusive content and interviews with renowned rodeo athletes on a premier platform for

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Key Takeaways (TLDR)

  • The hit show Dakota Cowboy is now streaming on the PRCA Pro Rodeo YouTube channel, reaching a wider audience.
  • BEK TV and the PRCA have partnered to bring the thrilling world of North Dakota rodeo to YouTube subscribers.
  • Dakota Cowboy celebrates Western living in North Dakota, featuring exclusive content, interviews, and a spotlight on rodeo athletes.
Transaction ID0xce4e56abdef87b30d784e63010a8a79c2afb5bbea2b4f572ff39471c76bbf9cb
Contract Address0x9a636D8B94D6808D3CACb9c81f6A92988e8b852E
NWAI Digital Fingerprint630-d277f17899e08559413e445182a9a326
Registration Timestamp2023-08-07T17:00:11+00:00

BEK.TV does not have any other recent news to report at this time.