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Blockchain Transaction Record

It’s a Game of ‘Hideology’ for Conservatives in the Workplace; AI Tilts Hiring Toward DEI; California Leads in DEI Hiring Discrimination

7 out of 10 job seekers say they’d take less money if that means they can work in a merit-driven, positive workplace, than take more money to work in a DEI-driven workplace. 63% of job seekers are "worried" about workplace repercussions if it's discovered that "they are a Republican or conservative."

Exclusively at — Newsworthy registers every press release distributed through this service on the blockchain so that we can provide verification services and make features such as the self-hosting of press releases available to our customers. The blockchain provides an immutable record of the press releases issued by this service. Immutability gives readers the assurance that the news they are reading has not been altered from the source document that this service distributed. We have shifted the Source of Truth to the blockchain for added protection.

Moving the Source of Truth to the blockchain improves transparency and increases trust between organizations submitting news and readers.

Key Takeaways (TLDR)

  • 7 out of 10 job seekers say they’d take less money if that means they can work in a merit-driven, positive workplace, than take more money to work in a DEI-driven workplace.
  • 74.7% of job seekers say their personal financial situation is "somewhat" or "much" worse off than a year ago.
  • DEI-related hiring discrimination is prominent, with AI screening out resumes not meeting preferred profiles.
Transaction ID0x8495fcba0da7644ac6a365d2dd18d252bde111a456297c982e38c72e402b0df0
Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
NWAI Digital Fingerprint1200-5247d9e66a5c52f2105cbe85fcb1d0e5
Registration Timestamp2024-06-19T21:00:14+00:00

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