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Blockchain Transaction Record

Anxiety: A Normal Part of Life or a Mental Illness?

Anxiety disorders are a subclass of mental disorders characterized by significant feelings of fear and anxiety that occur in response to specific stimuli or situations. These disorders can range from mild to severe and can be disabling.

Exclusively at — Newsworthy registers every press release distributed through this service on the blockchain so that we can provide verification services and make features such as the self-hosting of press releases available to our customers. The blockchain provides an immutable record of the press releases issued by this service. Immutability gives readers the assurance that the news they are reading has not been altered from the source document that this service distributed. We have shifted the Source of Truth to the blockchain for added protection.

Moving the Source of Truth to the blockchain improves transparency and increases trust between organizations submitting news and readers.

Key Takeaways (TLDR)

  • Anxiety disorders can be disabling conditions that seriously interfere with daily activities.
  • Effective treatments for anxiety include TMS, psychotherapy, and meditation.
  • Recognizing the signs and symptoms of anxiety and seeking professional help is essential.
Transaction ID0xf7606bd7adf30580156e63216af969838e5d42bb45bc27f822f8231fbd3502e3
Contract Address0xA7086CbdD2FEfc3382B0F37fE3Ee16ddE05934D2
NWAI Digital Fingerprint503-4652944a9f52cd5fdccd83e38fd8be54
Registration Timestamp2023-04-24T21:00:11+00:00

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