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Blockchain Transaction Record

“My Hometown” Features ND Communities and Beyond on “Ladies of Another View”

The cherished local TV program, "Ladies of Another View," is venturing into the core of North Dakota and its neighboring areas with its feature segment, “My Hometown.” Committed to displaying the vibrant narratives of life in the North, “My Hometown” provides audiences a close-up view of the state’s concealed treasures and beyond.

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Key Takeaways (TLDR)

  • "Ladies of Another View" showcases the hidden gems of North Dakota and neighboring regions in their new series "My Hometown."
  • BEK TV aims to remind viewers of the charm and importance of small towns through their show "My Hometown."
  • BEK TV is the largest television broadcaster of high school and college sports in the region and produces original news and opinion programming.
Transaction ID0xbe9f7c9b76bfbf07f1175e97d101c4aa020582a2bb78178a7fe170bcd1bdb3ce
Contract Address0xbCeAa38040FA0E95F0bB1A55135a41190630b17D
NWAI Digital Fingerprint680-f23c56a1a151567f088d258d2fe34f87
Registration Timestamp2023-09-22T16:30:10+00:00

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